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Re: Yeah,,,me too...sorry for being various "bad guys" today... (Wed Sep 18 10:18:44 2002 )
E-N-J [View profile ]

To the members of this Forum,

I don` t  know what caused me tp be so rash 
today  and if it was detrimental to the 
members of this forum, then I apologize. I do 
not wish. to be a disruptive force here. I have 
shared and received greatly from many of you 
for quite some time And it is not fair to bring 
such negativity to bear and lay in print by my 
hands in your laps.

Yann if you read this post,,please delete ithis 
thread from the forum if possiblle. It is not 
beneficial in the bigger scope of things.

 Maybe my sarcasm got the best of me this 
time and it went too far. (maybe is not the 

I really only meant to help. But sometimes 
helping others means damaging someone 
else. I was not planning to do that.

I do take offense to personal attacks however, 
and this took off from the real issue of  me 
being a "bad boy" for making jest of a dealers 
cel price. It snowballed from there., and I was 
riding a jet-ski right behind it.

I do not wish to impede or in anyway harm the 
reputation of the dealer site that was 
mentioned in my post.  That was not my 
intention at all. Please except my apology in 
this regard.(albeit possiblly too late) And 
disregard any delirious commentary in 
defense of my claims and opinions if you find 
them to be inaccurate.

Having my private comments and opinions 
posted publicly only served to exacerbate the 
situation. But I`ll take the blame, since I was 
the original rude poster, I have too.

If my opinions were vulgar and rude and 
offended anyone, because they were hurtful 
and/or disgusting ( by my "attitude" and bad 
language) then I apologize to you too, whole 

I am usually not so agitated. I guess everyone 
has their bad days. This was surely one of 
mine. That`s all. Take care, and have a nice 



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