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Re: D'oh.. i'm late.. (Tue Sep 24 03:38:27 2002 )
jcaliff [View profile ]

Thanks again.  I'm really happy that you wrote, 
too.  I think I watch too much anime.  That's the 
problem.  I watch too many different series, fall 
in love with the characters, and then feel the 
urge to buy cels.  Darn this hobby.  I used to 
just watch anime and buy trading cards.  They're 
a lot smaller and easier to store.  ^^  

Hmm.  It's weird.  Some people are able to focus 
on just a couple of specific series/characters.  
I'll watch just about anything, and I guess it 
shows.  I can't imagine being able to have that 
kind of focus.  Kudos to people who have the 
strength of will to manage it.  

I also have a weird philosophy/obsession in that 
I can't bear to part with any part of my 
collection(s).  Not only cels, but trading cards, 
comic books, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stuff, 
Teddy Ruxpin videos, fossils, matchbooks, you 
name it.  It's a feeling of accomplishment, 
posession, and in a way, definition.  I know it's 
dumb, but really it's not that uncommon for 
people to have their hobbies become part of who 
they are.  

Hey, you know Joe?  Yeah, he's that Dallas Stars 
fan.  Rick?  He goes hunting every weekend during 
dove season.  Debbie?  She's the one who made the 
quilt for Marcia's baby shower.  Jennifer?  She's 
the weird one who watches foreign cartoons and 
collects all that stuff.  You know, I hear she 
has so much junk that she has to rent a storage 
shed to keep it all in.  :-P

Sorry this message got so strange at the end 
here.  ^^;;


"And all the silly sightless people
Came and looked and called it junk"
 - Hector the Collector, by Shel Silverstein

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