I am conducting a survey on Online Cel Galleries.
This survey mainly applies to people that
purchase cels online. Dealers can also take this
survey. Please note that this survey and it's
results are for school and does not involve any
dealers or auction sites. All results will be
examined charted then destroyed., (after I get my
grade ^_^) You WILL NOT be contacted after
submitting your survey ever!! If you would like
to know the results I can send them to you
hopefully buy next week. Thanks. Please take the
time to answer all the questions truthful and to
the best of your knowledge. Please cut and paste
the entire survey and send to
mattjames1@earthlink.net when you have finished.
Please try to finish the survey in the next two
days. I would like to have the survey by next
week for my class.
Please answer the below questions using the
number scale below:
1-Don't care at all if listed
2-Would like to know but No big deal
3-Very Important will NOT buy without knowing
Example: 1) Comes with sketch -2 (would like to
know but No big deal)
You do not have to list the definition just the
number. ^_^
Ok, Ready:
How important is it to you (the buyer) that the
seller lists the following in the cel description:
1) Cel comes with sketch -
2) Sketch (if any) is matching -
3) How many layers a cel has -
4) Are the cel layers stuck (if multiple layers) -
5) Sequence numbers other than End cels & A1
cels -
6) If background is matching -
The next set of questions are in regards to
actual website presentation:
Simple Yes, No and Maybe answers please.
1) I am more prone to buy from a site that has
bright colored web pages ie white, yellow,
etc. -
2) I am more prone to buy from a site that has
dark colored web pages ie, black blue, purple
etc. -
3) I prefer Large Images over Small ie. 12
images per page verses 4-6 images per page -
4) If a sketch is included with a cel I prefer a
link to the sketch's image -
Now a little information about your gallery and
Purchasing of Cels (skip if desired)
1) How many cels are in your current collection -
2) About How many of your cels have been
purchased online -
3) What is the average amount of cels you
purchase in 1 Month (BE HONEST)
4) What is the most you have ever spent on a
cel -
5) What is the typical price range of cels that
you buy -
6) How long have you been collecting cels
Well that's it. Not so bad huh? Thank you very
much for taking this survey. Please don't forget
to send it to me: mattjames1@earthlink.net
Please put Survey In the Subject Bar.Thanks Again,