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Taking offers on our gallery (Sat Sep 28 19:24:04 2002 )
misa and casey [View profile ]

Hi everyone,

We've had some really hard blows of late, and 
we've decided to take offers on the cels in our 

The only things that are off-limits are: Gundam 
Wing Heero cels (all other characters OK), Please 
Save My Earth, the HYD "hugging" cel, and my Tira 
Misu eyecatch.

Please send all offers to: anime@aino.com    
(that way both casey & marisa will see your offer)

Our cels are located here:

We will accept PayPal, Yahoo PayDirect, Money 
Orders, Cashier's Checks, Checks (will wait 10 
days to clear), and Cash (at your own risk).

Thank you for your interest.
Marisa & Casey

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