So your eyes have been glued to her site as well
too eh? ^^
I admit, I check her gallery every day to see
what she has uploaded. A truely *amazing*
collection. Not only the amount of series she
collects, but the volume of cels for each series!
Many single series alone have more cels than my
entire collection. O.O
I even check the sections of shows I've never
seen (or even care to see), and the cels look
amazing. Such a variety of things to look at.
Action shots, portrait shots, backgrounds and pan
cels.. ooooh so pretty! Definatly a dedicated
collector here, and I am so happy that she is
willing to share with the rest of us ^_^ It's
also nice to see where some of these jewels (pun
intended) have been after they dissapear off of
dealers sites ^_~.
And for the record, I'm not trying to say
that "amount" is what makes a collection "great",
I just believe that this particular collection is
unique to the online-gallery-community-thing.
(one of few huge-normous online galleries that I
have seen). I am sure that there are some
collectors out there with equally as large
collections that would just *not* go through the
trouble of scanning and uploading all of them.
Yet another reason I am so pleased to see these
beautiful cels!
~Tara |