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Re: Hey!, how did that get there? ^-^ (Mon Sep 30 14:32:23 2002 )
Tralfaz [View profile ]

The joy of spiders...  If you have a page on the 
web, sooner or later a search engine spider will 
crawl up your site and index it for all the world 
to see... whether you want it to or not.  I've 
learned the hard way that many spiders blatantly 
ignore the META tags instructing them not to 
index the site.

I once put a silly joke about Thundercats cels on 
site, and despite not owning a single one, my 
site became the top result for "thundercats cel" 
querys on most of the major search engines.  
Annoyingly enough, it stayed that way for many 
months after I had removed all references to 
Thundercats from my site. -_-

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