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Need help with Evangelion cel identification please. ^_^ (Sun Apr 24 14:19:43 2005 )
Nene [View profile ]


Hello, just won an auction for a couple of
Evangelion cels and I only really wanted one so I
wanted to identify the other (episode is
preferable) so I could sell it. I'd also like to
identify which episode the cel I'm keeping is from.


The above cel of Misato I am keeping, I'd just
like to know which episode she's from if anyone
has a clue ^_^;


The above black and white one I am selling. I'm
assuming it's Asuka in the entry plug before the
lights have been switched on but I'd prefer if
someone could confirm that for me and perhaps give
me an episode number ^_^ The number is B-3 END


The above image is the two sketches, not sure if
they'll help in IDing the cels in any way. I've
also uploaded the black and white cel using the
option on the site, so that it shows up here ^_^

If anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it.

- Nene

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Message thread :
  • Need help with Evangelion cel identification please. ^_^ - Nene (24 Apr 14h19)

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