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A few new cels for an update...but a potential problem (Sun Sep 29 14:52:28 2002 )
jenn-b [View profile ]

If you have been to my site recently, you know 
that I have redesigned it.  There is very little 
text now.  To show that there are new cels in 
specific sections, I have placed halos over the 
sections character (once again, you have to see 
the site to understand).  Is this easy to 
understand?  Or should I really write something 
up about it?  Plus, I have added a new section 
for cels that contain entire scenes.  This is 
indicated by the image of Hinoto below the 
characters and the globe image.  

I guess what it comes down to is this...should I 
write a few blurbs about navigating my site?  I 
just like how clean it looks right now without 
text, but I feel that it kind-of leaves people to 
fend for themselves.  Anyhow, Let me know...

and here is a quick preview of one of my new cels 
in this small update!  

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