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About the FACTS conventionin Gent (Belgium) (Wed Oct 2 16:48:54 2002 )
Almathea [View profile ]


Hi ^_^

For those who might be interested, I just wanted 
to remind that the Belgian anime and sci-fi 
convention (the FACTS) will be held in the city 
of Gent (or Gand in French) on the 12th and 13th 
of October.

This convention has never been interesting for 
cel collectors... untill now! Actually I have 2 
good news for those who can come:

1- The new shop KAMYAHOUSE will be there with 
all the cels they have for sale ^_^ It was easy 
to convince them to come!!!

2- ATOMIC CLUB will be there as usual, but as a 
friend and I are working freely for them, we 
succeeded in convincing them to bring ALL their 
cels too. I don't speak only about the ones on 
the site: these ones don't represent 1/3 of the 
total cels they own! And all the other cels... 
have never been showed!!!
I know them well: they are very kind people but 
it's true they're terribly slow. And especially 
for updating their site...
So, for those who can come, don't miss this 
unique opportunity to be the first ones to be 
able to grab tons of "mysterious" cels that the 
others won't see before... well, maybe the next 
ice age!!! :))

If you need some complementary informations, 
please contact me directly on the mail address 

Cheers to all,
Almathea *who wants to see these cels*

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Message thread :
  • About the FACTS conventionin Gent (Belgium) - Almathea (02 Oct 16h48)

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