...hehe, I was surprised, Doug Smith is actually
a pretty good artist, especially of Kintaro.
That's an awesome drawing (I love the face,
heee!)...but when did you sister have time to eat
dinner? XD I always mooched out of the con suite.
Anyway, great catch, that's totally coooooool (to
sound extremely valley girl). I'm not a big fan
of dubs, but I will say he does a cute Kintaro.
I have a Doug Smith drawing to share too,
heheeeee. As many of you know, I attended the con
as Dante from "Devil May Cry"...well, I went all
out,and even bound my chest and stuffed my crotch
(which I was known to thrust about on a number of
occasions to show off my newly aquired "package"
^^;;). On the last day, I walked up to Doug Smith
at the Ironcat table, reached in my pants, pulled
out my crotch socks, and asked him to sign them
(after assuring him that I had worn them outside
my underwear XD). The look on his face was
PRICELESS...he was utterly frightened. But sign
them he did, with a cute and rather confused
little Kintaro ^^ BEHOLD, Dante's autographed