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Re: Re: Top 5 Most Influential Events or Entities in Cel Collecting! What do you think? (Fri Oct 4 21:52:00 2002 )
baakay (nli) [View profile ]

I can answer the question posed in #5.

Time warp back to... oh, say early 2000.  

K: "Have you watched any anime yet?"
B:  "What IS anime, anyway?"

A few weeks later:

K: "I just bought a cel on eBay."
B: "What's a cel, anyway?"

Following the explanation:

B:  "So how do you do this eBay thing, anyway?"

Fast forward to summer 2002, Long Island.

K: (looking through bin of cels) "Oh, look at 
this one!  You should buy it!"
B: (snatching up ultra-perfect Zelgadis 
portrait) "Yes! I should!"

I coulda had my kitchen redone by now if not for 

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