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Sailor Moon Monsters & Villains gallery update! (Thu Oct 3 21:56:22 2002 )
BeansATL [View profile ]

Hi Gang!

It's been awhile since I updated... and I'm still 
waiting on like 19 cels, but thought what the 
hay! Let's update!

The picture links that are broken are the 15 or 
so cels that I am expecting soon.

Here's where I've updated on my site
~Red Dress Kaori Gallery
~White Lab Coat Kaori Gallery
~Misc. cels... Nude HENSHIN Dark Moon Cel sketches

So... if you're a SM fan... drop on in

thanks for your time
Sincerely, Harry K

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Message thread :
  • Sailor Moon Monsters & Villains gallery update! - BeansATL (03 Oct 21h56)

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