The first I believe is a cel from Weiss Kreuz,
A9 and comes with partial sketch (the cel is 1
layer, but the sketch is only of the left
portion of the cel, cuts out the chara's arm
holding the rose). The other of course is a cel
of Spike from Cowboy Bebop, D29 and comes with
matching sketch. This cel is slightly oversized
and has a sticker on the bottom left part of the
cel that says the following:
Not For Sale
This cel is not for sale. Sale is prohibited by
law for those those who do not have permission.
I'm not exactly how to translate that accuratly,
but I guess you get the idea. lol Anybody seen
this sticker before...? I originally bought
this cel at Mandarake, so I dunno why it's "not
for sale" unless the person who had it before me
stuck it there. Any ideas?
Anyway, if you're interested in either of these
two cels, just let me know. I didn't want to
stick them up on ebay...but I may in the future
if no body is interested or *sniffle* unless I
don't get a decent offer for them... ::sigh::
With that out, everybody enjoy the quiet of the
night... I think I'm still going a little nuts
due to these black cat ears... merow!
Rekka |