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aah.. i see... (Fri Oct 11 20:01:21 2002 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

Ok.. yeah.. even if the cel wasn't terribly 
expensive, it doesn't mean that it was 
*worthless*. I ALMOST lost a couple cels back in 
july, though even though they were "cheap", the 
sentimental value was pretty high. At least the 
PO will give you your money back for it. :/ Maybe 
another one from the sequence will come up one 
day? ^^

Oh yes! I *did* in fact see the kenshin fancel I 
made on your page! If only you could have seen my 
reaction when i did ^_~. It was a combination of 
the feeling of seeing it again, and good ol' 
fashioned flattery. (in short - i blushed) ^^;

It makes me happy to see him at a loving home! A 
lot of love went into making it after all ^_~. 
Oh! And I wanted to show you:


Although I was only a runner up.. the slightly 
altered version of this cel is featured on this 
site ^^ 

talk to you soon! 

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