You should contact the seller who sold you the
cels. Hopefully, they can inquire with their
local post office for you and help you find out
if the package was lost in Japan or en route.
Usually, there is more detailed tracking
information from the sending country compared to
the destination country. Maybe you can find out
some answers there.
More importantly, the seller is the person who
will have to file for an insurance claim and try
to get your money back to you. So you should
contact the seller immediately and tell them
what happened. If they cannot find out more
information for you, it is the seller's
responsibility to recover your money for you
(even though it may take a very long time, you
should get your money back). Please remember
that all EMS packages are insured.
Also, you should visit your local post office
and provide them the tracking number.
Hopefully, someone can help you find out more
detailed information about the package. And if
you need to file a claim for a lost EMS package,
you should be able to do so at that post office. |