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Gallery Update-Signed Kenshin, Bebop, and InuYasha Cels (Mon May 2 15:36:13 2005
wolfgirl917 [View profile
Just got back from the Anime Boston con and
wanted to share my prizes. Melissa Fahn the
voice actress for Ed from Cowboy Bebop and Chibi
Sojiro from Kenshin was kind enough to sign my 2
fancels! Plus David Kaye the voice of
Sesshoumaru from InuYasha signed my prod cel of
Fluffy. Needless to say how excited I am. Both
were awesome to meet!!
Enjoy! |
Message thread :
- Gallery Update-Signed Kenshin, Bebop, and InuYasha Cels - wolfgirl917 (02 May 15h36)