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need translations? (Fri Oct 11 20:18:07 2002 )
mihoko [View profile ]


hello!! I am a Japanese girl who is in the United 
States, and I am just letting you know my 
translation service.  I've been offering 
translation service for my customers for a few 
years now.  I accept Doushinshi Translation, 
audio translation, and video/DVD translation in 
cheaper rates.  or if you have any things you 
have in your mind, just bring it on!!  :-)  I am 
usually charging from 45 cent to 1.60 per page 
for DJ.  (more discount is avivable if you order 
some DJ together. Or just e-mail me and talk 
about it!  J) I can send you sample translation 
if you would like to see it.  Today, I am just 
letting you know my translation service.  If you 
have any questions, feel free to ask.  Even 
though you don't have any things to translate 
right now, I will be happy to hear from you.  

Thank you very much for reading my e-mail.  hope 
to hear from you soon!!


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