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I was going to say something similar. . . (Sat Oct 12 07:49:12 2002 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I think we could use a bit more tolerance here 
and there. . . I'll agree, I have no interest in 
the cels. But it really isn't tough to ignore a 
message in which you're not interested. It isn't 
as if it pops up in your face, blinks, or has a 
looooong title in ALL CAPS, or some other equally 
annoying feature. It's just there. So you don't 
click it. (*shrug*) I guess simply not clicking 
doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

And while I do agree with the person who said 
they're tired of "misadvertisement" (posts 
labeled "cels for sale" when the poster is 
actually looking for offers instead of naming 
prices, etc. . .), that's another whole issue 
that doesn't really apply to the scope of this 

But I have to say, I was unaware there was a name 
for people who get an ego complex while at the 
computer keyboard. . . ^_^;;

Many Sharp Smiles,

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