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Funny you should mention this... (Sun Oct 13 18:45:31 2002 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Because I'd like to meet you E ^_^  Of all the 
posters here, I just really like to read your 
comments.  It's very rare that someone really 
stands up for a passionate beleife around here, 
for fear of being flamed/outcast, etc.  But you 
always say what you feel, and I admire that to no 
end ^___^  I always get a kick out of your posts, 
and since you live in Japan, you offer a very 
fresh view on topics here. Usually when you post, 
I have to go show my bf, just to prove that there 
really are people on the forum who make sense 

Hmm, I guess that's it.  So many people that post 
on here that I like I have met in person.  When I 
think of forum posters, they all sort of blend 
together...but I remember a select few right off 
hand.  Drac is also one of the people Id like to 
meet ^_^  Misha as well.  I like it when people 
arent afraid to speak their minds, so those are 
the ones I remember the most.

PS:  Oh, and one who I cant forget..Animeanon! Id 
love to fly out to Australia and meet you Winnie 
^_^  (I like people who are just total 
dearhearts, as well as outspoken ones)

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