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While we`re at it......Backgrounds for sale!!!! (Tue Oct 15 22:12:58 2002 )
SEB/nli [View profile ]


I have these bg`s for sale as well. I can accept 
paypal and if you have any questions, please mail 
me at the above addy! ^-° 

Oh and the 2 last ones come with cels^__° they 
are unstuck, so you could use them for your own 
needs ;O)

a- uncut town bg  $15.00
b- uncut road bg  $15.00
c- slightly cut, but still bigger (and much 
darker) than a standard sized cel, cavewall bg 
d- slightly cut, but still bigger than standard 
sized cel, brickwall/castle bg $12.00

e-slightly cut, but still bigger than standard 
sized cel, terrace/seaside bg $15.00
f- uncut bg evening in the woods ^_° $15.00
g- unstuck bg of stadium (plus cel^-^) $15.00
h- unstuck bg of building/road $15.00

BTW, if you are interested in copies of any of my 
bg`s at my page (link above) please let me 
know !!!

thanks for looking

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Message thread :
  • While we`re at it......Backgrounds for sale!!!! - SEB/nli (15 Oct 22h12)

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