And I really have to get the rest of them on my
site soon! >_<
One of the modifiers for price is the particular
scene. If the centered head shot of Yue that you
are talking about is from his beautifully
poignant conversation with Eriol and the last
time we see Yue in the series, it could be worth
up to $1000 (!) to some collectors.
Centered shots of Yue from the Final Judgement
episode or the episode that centers on a change
in his relationship with Touya could also be
rather pricey.
I have seen cels of Yue (especially from the
Final Judgement and THAT episode with Touya) go
approximately this high in yen on YJ.
If instead, it is a nice but not wildly
significant shot of Yue, $100 - $250 might be
more reasonable, depending upon what the
collector paid. Again, this is judging by the
prices Yue cels fetch on eBay and from the main
sellers' websites.
Good luck! And if you get the cel...please post
so we can look at him in your gallery!
^_^ |