Thanks for the many nice comments about my Hiei
cels. =) Since he's such a special character to
me I put a lot of work and hair-pulling into that
collection, and I admit I'm a bit proud of it. ;)
Hrm. Springs to mind that I owed an important
email response to you a while back. I hope my
brain death of the time didn't cause a big
problem for you. ={
I don't think you bid against me on the SD Female
Hiei, as I was being careful to watch for your
ID. However, I am pretty sure I remember both
you and one other person I know bidding on one
that turned up on YJ later. It had a background,
and I fuzzed off thinking "If someone I know gets
this, maybe I can beg a copy of the background!"
Ah well. ;)
Thanks on the Youko cels. I guess that
collection was a well-kept secret for quite a
while. ;) The section was at the top of my "to
assemble" list when I vanished, but wound up side-
tracked along with everything else. Having a
better Youko collection would be wonderful, but
I'm afraid he falls into the "if a price fluke
happens, nab the cel" category of my collecting
habits. ={ (He's soooo pricey!)
Good luck on a Sano cel. I found mine
unexpectedly and at a good price, so hopefully
you'll have the same luck. With the exception of
my Saitou cels (*cough* No comment on those
prices), I guess I found pretty much all of my RK
collection unexpectedly and reasonably priced.
Ok, my curiosity's perked about this Hiei cel you
won! Let me know when you have the scan! I have
a big wishlist Hiei cel that I don't think I'm
going to scan for a while... but it's not baby or
toddler Hiei, otherwise everyone in the country
would've heard my screams. ;)
And of course to everyone (I'm burning out here):
Thanks for all of the nice comments in general.
It wasn't easy. Missing my Mom, worrying about
being a Mom without her support, and of course
getting the heck scared out of me by her having a
massive heart attack at such a young age. For
quite a while my heart was acting bizarrely so I
would be stuck awake most nights feeling paranoid
that I'd be having a heart attack next. I guess
it was only anxiety, though, and I'm much better
now. *phew*
-Jasmine, expecting no one to see this response ;) |