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thanks for sharing (Mon Oct 28 22:17:22 2002 )
the hon [View profile ]

but, it really isn't too difficult for anyone to 
simply research for themself the availability of 
NS cels. No offense, but as it was previously 
stated in a long post, do the work yourself and 
that does include researching dealers, 
collectors, and auction houses that may or may 
not have any available for sale. Yes this forum 
is to aid people with questions, but crap it is 
like the librarian doing your homework for you. 
Yann himself doesn't want people flooding the 
board with posts that just tell users oh lookie 
here at this or that auction. Chances are if you 
found it, so did someone else. Afterall it isn't 
that hard to go through every single cel page on 
YJP, all you have to do it spend the time and 
make the effort.

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