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Started even more auctions! YYH, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Backgrounds!etc! (Sun Oct 27 18:05:56 2002
Jenn-b nli [View profile
Well...if you hadn't noticed...it's the big push
to raise some cash. I don't want to say why
quite yet - I'm extremely superstitious! But
please stop by and have a gander. I have some
great cels avaible, including this beautiful
Mirai Trunks battling Tien cel *crosses fingers
and hopes image loads correctly*
All auctions have buy it now prices. Thanks for
your time...WHEEEE!
Message thread :
- Started even more auctions! YYH, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Backgrounds!etc! - Jenn-b nli (27 Oct 18h05)