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Finally figured out why I can't connect to Geocities' FTP server... (Mon Oct 28 05:00:02 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

It took me like over 5 months to figure out what 
the reason was for not being able to connect to 
Geocities' FTP server... I even wrote to them, 
asking what may be the problem, but they never 
told me that they changed their policy that only 
PREMIUM members now have the rights to access 
the FTP server, in other words, MONEY.  lol  
This is one thing that I have not yet been able 
to pay for on my own, especially since I have no 
steady income at the moment, it just makes me 
angry...  I could understand making this change 
for NEW members, but I've had this account with 
them since oh, '98?  I just think it would have 
been nice to have been told of this change-- 
maybe they did and I missed it, but... =P  I'm 
just fuming a little bit........  I want my 
freakin' FTP service back!  Here's a cel to show 
how this frustrates the heck out of me... "No, 
don't even wanna look at you any more, you 
naughty Geocities you!!"

Arg, no more wine for/from me for a while....

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Message thread :
  • Finally figured out why I can't connect to Geocities' FTP server... - rekka (28 Oct 05h00)

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