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ebay auctions: over a dozen cels of different titles (Trigun, Cyber Formula, Gundam Wing, etc) (Sat Nov 2 06:19:09 2002 )
tenzink [View profile ]

Well I'm going to need some rest once this lot 
are finished so this will be it until Christmas 
is over (I hope ^^;;) The composite image is 
representative of only a few of the cels being 
auctioned at ebay, all have BIN prices and all 
will be finished listing by tonight. Auctions 
are one week long. Thank you so very, very much 
to past and present bidders, you've been great 

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Message thread :
  • ebay auctions: over a dozen cels of different titles (Trigun, Cyber Formula, Gundam Wing, etc) - tenzink (02 Nov 06h19)

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