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Hmmmm... (Fri Nov 1 18:59:36 2002 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Pretty much every cel in my gallery has been a 
deal.  I've gotten cels for 1000 yen that were 
worth hundreds of US dollars ^^;!  Even the 
rarest cels in my gallery, like my FAKE OVA 
cels...All cost me waaaay under what they're 
actually worth ^^'!

But, the deal I was ever most thrilled about has 
to be my Ifurita OVA cel.  I bought it from Anime 
Shop Vega for what ended up being $128.  The cool 
thing about it is...It sat on their site for a 
REAL high price forever...& one day I 
thought...."Eh...I'll just e-mail them a lower 
offer & see if they'll take it."  I e-mailed them 
a ridiculously low offer on it, & then a day 
later...Their site closed down forever!  I 
thought...."Darn, I'm too late."  But...The next 
day...I get an e-mail from them saying they'll 
accept my offer, & to send the money...etc!  I 
still can't believe my luck to this day *___*!  
What an amzazing face shot of OVA Ifurita @_@!

Ifurita OVA 2

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