§I am seriously getting in trouble with my bad
bookholding, so I spent more than I have AGAIN.
So I'm trying to make room in my cel book before
I also need money for another 2 of those as well.
My only Tasuki with his fangs showing, requires
more than the highest price I'vs sold a fancel
for by now.
His just as punky "Sis"
The ultimate cuteness of my prod' cels.
§Offers over $100 (per cel..) get free shipping
if the shipping cost is up to incl. $10 (prio'
airmail to pretty much everywhere).
§FANCELS. For bigger images, please visit my
site, I don't feel like making this my new image
gallery ^^;
Quite attached to him, but he was an easy job.
I'm not asking much for him.
Homura, not sleeping but *spoiler*. Lovely cel.
He's yours for $20.
They both have their flaws and are $20 as a set.
The first one comes WITHOUT the BG.
§For all, except Miaka which'd require Ryouko's
permission, please know that I can reproduce them
no prob if they sold.
§All (fan)cels come in crystal clear storage bags
and secure packaging.
§I'm sorry I CANNOT accept other payment than
§I may decline any offer. If my answer is short
to the point of being rude, sorry, I don't mean
§Any of my cels not posted here can also be made
an offer, but don't be too disappointed...
Anna |