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My wishlist cel came today!!! (Wed Nov 6 04:20:27 2002 )
Nabs-chan [View profile ]

I'm so excited! This is another one of 
those "didn't think I'd ever find one for a 
price I could pay, so I never really hoped for 
it" cels. 

I'm a HUUUUGE Hiei fan (YYH), so a cel of him in 
his majin form.... Uwaaa~ *_* I'm still reeling! 
Cels of his majin form are so hard to get (and 
the last one that was up for auction... I 
definitely didn't have enuff money for) that 
I've only seen 2 to date. So I was SOOO happy to 
have found one for such an incredibly price!

I haven't been this happy in a while. EEEE! ^_^ 
I think they're gonna need a crowbar to pry this 
grin off my face. ~_^

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