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Well, actually it's probably what they paid... (Thu Nov 7 20:14:35 2002 )
keeper [View profile ]

... because I know Usagi's House sold that same 
sequence and if memory serves, it was a couple 
hundred dollars. Who's to say that's not where 
she bought it originally, at that price?

And it's not like that's a "mediocre" shot, 
Shura. Plus "Weiß Kreuz" OVA cels *are* pretty 
hard to come by. I have one from that very same 
sequence, and the only reason mine cost less than 
half her asking price is because I bought mine 
over a year ago, before "aka Knight Hunters" was 
released in the States. Domestic releases tend to 
make young fangirls go "drool", which in turn ups 
the pricetags. That's the way the world works, no 
matter what country you live in, in general.

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