I am beside myself with sheer joy for 1.)
finding such a rare wishlist cel and 2.) being
able to win it!! I was able to snag these two
great shots thanks to Rinkya! I was really
stressing out whether or not I could get these
with somebody else's help, since I mostly bid on
my own things. It was a lot easier when I was
in Japan when I could do the bank transfers and
everything myself, but now that I'm home, I have
to deal with the "Seller does not ship
internationally" issue... ANYWAY, this is a
little premature since I won't physically have
these cels in my hands for about a month or so,
but they have already been paid for. **loves
So, show me your recent Wishlist buys!! And
tell me WHY you wanted them as badly as you
did!! These two wishlist cels of mine are from
the best scene in the entire series of
Gulkeeva... but if I explain the story at that
point too much... It is a major story
spoiler....... But, in general, this is from
Eps 25, when Touya is found shot 4 times. I
feel so evil for loving scenes when the main
character suffers the most.... MUWAHAHAHAHA
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Rekka |