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Looking for a cel from Hyper Speed Gran Doll (Sun Nov 10 18:16:57 2002 )
GranDoll [View profile ]

I'm looking for a specific cel from Hyper Speed 
Gran Doll (aka Hyperspeed Grandoll) and was 
wondering if anyone here could help me. It's of 
Hikaru holding Shigil from behind and would be a 
pan cel although I do not know the size. I want 
to get this for my sister for Christmas, and I 
had found a page that had had it at one point but 
sold it, so I know it exists out there somewhere, 
I just don't know where. If you've seen it (or 
any other similar Gran Doll cels) could you 
*please* e-mail me.

Thanks to all in advance,

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Message thread :
  • Looking for a cel from Hyper Speed Gran Doll - GranDoll (10 Nov 18h16)

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