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How do people feel about cels for sale in batches? (Sat Nov 16 00:36:22 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

Hey all.  I've been trying to get rid of a ton 
of my cels but haven't had much luck.  At this 
point, I just want to make some extra space in 
my room where I keep these misc cels, so I was 
wondering what people thought about selling cels 
in mass quanity.  Like, I have 67 misc cels here 
from series like Tekkaman Blade, Rayearth, Cyber 
Formula, Cowboy Bebop, and a ton of other 
series.  I bought them all from Mandarake in 
Nagoya, so they were all pretty cheap, but all 
together I probably spent a lot, especially to 
ship them all back to the states.  ^^;;  So my 
priority right now is to move these cels off to 
somebody who would enjoy them better than me, 
since they're just taking up space right now.  
I'm asking $350 for them all, which includes 
whatever shipping will cost.  If anyone is 
interested in this huge set, let me know.  I'm 
also able to take any offers if you want to 
counter this price.  Any questions, please just 
ask!  THANKS!


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