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Weiss on pennies a day (Sat Nov 16 19:23:29 2002 )
IslandISee [View profile ]

So this Aya cel was $15.  Not a perfect cel, but 
well worth it in my opinion. 
Speaking of cheap, Im a Cel Forum newbie, 
although Ive been collecting cels for a while. It 
seems that so many people have cel collecting as 
their main anime hobby. I set up my (unfinished) 
cel gallery sort of to prove to myself that you 
dont have to spend -all- your money on cels to 
enjoy the hobby.  This is especially true when 
you find yourself buying other anime related 
items, dj and random plastic knicknacks from 
Japan that you would never buy if they didnt have 
something chibi on them.  So I guess my little 
speal is to convince myself and others that my 
little $20 or less cels are just as precious as 
the $8 billion dollar Fuma head/Yohji nekkid/Rei 
cel that the next gallery may have.  End of 
preaching to the choir. :-) 

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