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Looking for Tokyo Babylon and/or X cels (Sun Nov 17 01:47:43 2002 )
yu kurosawa [View profile ]


I know this is a long shot, but I wanted to ask 
if there is any one selling or would like to sell 
Tokyo Babylon or X cels that have Subaru and/or 
Seishirou on them?  (I'm actually desparate for a 
I've been looking for several now and I've found 
some, but mostly of Hokuto (which I did buy 

If you're willing to help this fangirl, I'd be 
really grateful.  

Will pay cash, kidney, blood, omakes, whatever 
for a Seishirou...

Arigatou gozaimashita!

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Message thread :
  • Looking for Tokyo Babylon and/or X cels - yu kurosawa (17 Nov 01h47)

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