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Hehehehehe finally an update (Wed Nov 20 05:39:16 2002 )
leandra aka genzou [View profile ]

It's a small update for now.... Tomorrow I will 
have my "what I'm working on area" updated, and 
post some "previous works" and have that updated 
as well. I have been extremely busy hehehehe. 
O_o;;;;; Being a travel agent with comdex in 
town and National Airlines going ka-put, I have 
been pulling out my hair!  I wish I could update 
sooner, but I am swamped with work. To everyone 
who ordered a fan-cel, thank you for all your 
understanding and patience since my orders have 
been taking longer than expected. 
But amidst the chaos, I have placed 2 new cels 
in my "cel-in-stock" area. I have been working 
on these 2 for a looooong time and decided they 
needed to be finished up as well with everyone's 
orders. I just finished them today. Hope you 
like them... I will post the images to this 
thread. Stay tuned for another update tomorrow!


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