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Re: It may help if you mention what cel it is. :) (n/t) (Wed Nov 20 03:51:17 2002 )
aion [View profile ]

Okay. ^_^  I didn't want to make a big deal about 
it on the forum, but here is a link since I don't 
want to post their cel here without their 

Bascially I found a cel that looked very much 
like this one (may have been the same cel, I 
don't know for certain) several years ago when I 
first started collecting cels. If you've read my 
sob story about it the past-- yes, THAT ONE.  
If you haven't heard the story- I tried to buy 
the cel, the seller agreed to wait a specified 
amount of time for me to come up with the money- 
and so I got the money together within that time 
and e-mailed her back.  Well, suddenly she said 
she couldn't sell me the cel because it had a bad 
crease.  I offered to try and work something out 
because I still wanted it, and asked for another 
scan.  She refused to sell it.  A few years later 
another person and I were talking about cels - 
the person used to have a site with cels for sale-
 and her personal gallery contained the exact cel-
 and it WAS definitely the same cel because at 
the time I still had the image (it was lost a few 
months later when the harddrive crashed and 
died.  ^_^). Now, whether this one is the same 
cel I don't know anymore, but I always felt like 
that cel was "the one".

So, I'd be willing to trade almost any cel/cels, 
FY or otherwise, pretty much anything in my 
gallery except for 3 cels- 
yohko70 - yohko in red dress w/bg (my favorite 
ttamaopen -tamahome opening cel- new and gorgeous 
anthy165 - the most perfect profile ever.

Everything else- I'd be willing to trade toward 
this cel. It's my #1 wishlist cel.  Because I'll 
never have $800+ to spend on a cel unless I win 
the lotto.  
P.S. - if anyone has trouble e-mailing me at 
hotmail, try saporter@us.ibm.com, although I 
won't be able to check that untill next week.  

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