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Re: What are you proud of? (Thu Nov 21 20:42:50 2002 )
cel_newbie [View profile ]

1. Yes
2. To me yes, it was the first scene of the first 
3. No, It was a bargain
4. No, I know only a couple of people collects 
cels from PSME
5. Maybe or maybe not. I still need more shots of 
6. Not at all
7. No, it was my 3rd PSME cel.
8. No, If the cels of PSME are in someone's wish 
list, they are usually male character. I am a guy 
so I only collect female character.
9. No, but I really love to have a friend who 
gives me cel as a gift.
10. Yes.

Here are 3 yes's and 6 no's, but I am really love 
this cel.

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