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A new person... sort of! (Fri Nov 22 18:56:59 2002 )
sosiqui [View profile ]

Hi! :) This isn't so much an introduction as it 
is a re-introduction... I posted a little bit at 
the beginning of this year, but I'd be very 
surprised if anyone remembered me. *wry grin* I 
was just starting cel collecting then... got a 
bit intimidated by everyone else's lovely 
collections (and by cel prices) and faded out. 
Didn't buy cels for months, either.... I didn't 
have any direction or anything specific I wanted 
to collect. 

But now I do. I've happily been chasing down 
Hunter x Hunter cels for a while, and I can't 
really imagine buying many cels from any other 
series. :) It's my favorite anime series, and 
it's not TOO expensive. (I primarily stalk cels 
of my favorite character, Gon... who isn't half 
as pricey as Killua or Kurapica...) So, since 
now I have a clear focus I've become a much more 
avid collector, and figured instead of lurking 
I'd come out and say hello. 

So... hello! :)

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