Thanks everybody for posting your favorite cels
for the time being! I am well aware that
favorites can change almost over night, probably
a lot faster than that!! heehee
But just in the spirit of things, and for a
extra bonus, I'll post this one, too. It may
not be my absolute favorite at the time being,
but it certainly was for a long time after it
fell into my hands.
And on a sorta OT subject, I just got an email
from my Japanese friend... the guy that I was
like so infatuated with not too long ago (and I
guess I still am, otherwise I wouldn't be
reacting to this as I am). He wrote to me and
said that he's thinking about coming to the
states during spring break, since they get about
a month and a half off. He said that he might
go visit another friend for 3 weeks and asked if
he could stay at my house for the other 3
weeks. I about died with laughter when I read
this... haha I was just so shocked. I'm not
really sure how to take this, but for the good
of my own emotions, I refuse to believe that he
means anything by asking this.... although, I
wouldn't mind if he did have something in mind.
lol *sigh*
Take care everybody!
Rekka |