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o_O (Wed Nov 27 06:36:42 2002 )
rekka [View profile ]

Well, I'm a major B't X fan.  It's a realitively 
unpopular/unknown series by most anime fans.  
It's actually made by the artist/creator of 
Saint Seiya, Kurumada Masami.  Many people will 
say that B't X is the "sequal" to Saint Seiya, 
but this can't be more wrong.  There is NOTHING 
about this story that is at all similar with 
Saint Seiya or has anything to do with it.  The 
only connection the two have are Kurumada.  
Anyway, if you wanna see some more stuff from 
B't X, check out my gallery on rubberslug.  I 
don't have much stuff from the TV series, but 
the OVA is absolutely beautiful.  The TV series 
covers the first 25 episodes and then the OVA 
B't X Neo continues the story for another 14 
episodes.  The artwork, story, and music all get 
better in the OVA...  I was more than happy with 
it.  And it pretty much follows the story of the 
manga.  The very end is a bit different, which 
didn't bother me, since I liked the anime ending 
better than the manga.  haha  Anyway, you 
shouldn't have any problems finding fansubs of 
the TV series; it's the OVA, the ending of the 
story, that is difficult to find.  I was only 
able to see it by luckily finding VCDs of it on 
ebay...  so look around, if you're interested.  
You might get lucky like I did.  Any other 
questions, feel free to email me!  =D


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