I'm in the middle of restructuring my Gallerie to further
concentrate on only a few select series. Therefore I have added
many rare and high-quality cels to my Sale Page. Most of these
have prices, but three are for offers just because they are so
incredibly unique and rare.
But don't panic! ^_^ I have indicated the minimum offer price I
am looking for underneath each of the offer items. Anyone who
offers at or above my minimum in the next 24 hours will be able
to counterbid if there are multiple offers. Anybody bidding after
that risks being closed out of counterbidding.
I do consider payment plans. These will be worked out on a
case-by-case basis.
Items updated include cels from:
Slayers Royal Video Game
Big O
Laputa, Castle in the Sky
Heroic Legend of Arislan
Ah! My Goddess Video Game
These include my sig other, Crispin Freeman's personal
Escaflowne cel, that gorgeous Gasaraki cel of Yushiro and
Miharu TOGETHER with original BG, and yes, that incredible Ah!
My Goddess game cel of *all three goddesses* and Mara.
I can't believe I'm considering selling some of these, but I'd
really rather they go to people who will truly treasure them.
Also, there are many more economically priced cels still on the
Sale Page from:
Shamanic Princess
Laputa, Castle in the Sky
Thanks for looking!
the Zelgoddess |