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Your cel is SO funny!!! Requiem, have a look :) (Thu Nov 28 18:22:01 2002 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

Well, I'm thankful to ofcourse my mother who 
bears with far more than is fair or repayable 
from me, and which is also why I feel very sorry 
and guilty.

And to everyone I've ever received money from!!!
To REQUIEM for painting below cel for me!
To my teachers who ever so often cover my ass 
against their colleagues...
My "best friend" (umm..) cuz I know she'll help 
me outta my misery one day...
To my Mii-cat for helping me fall asleep every 
night by drooling into my eye...
To Lottje-kitty for being so utterly lovely..
And related to this cel, to my two classmates 
Gert and Jonas, a very silly and cheerful duo 
who'd plant their butts in the mud themelves to 
help me out of it (at 2am at that). 
In particular to Gert for being reliable and 
trustworthy as he's keeping a secret and helping 
me with something that might have hurt him if he 
just liked me a little more.
And to Jonas simply for his existance and for 
being nice and respectful enough to not be mean 
about something I told him ;)

Well, these two pretty much equal Jonas and Gert, 
though they don't fight (for fun only), while 
their personalities are both perfectly Tasuki, 
not Tama ^__~

When I open my celbook at this page, the sun 
shines outta there :)


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