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Updated my fancel section - art by me, art by you - just art from almost everyone!^^ (Mon Dec 2 05:00:45 2002 )
keeper [View profile ]

Don't mind me. Too much coffee, not enough sleep, 
and more work than I care to be doing during the 
holidays. Retail sucks. So in an attempt to stay 
conscious this past week, I worked on scanning, 
html-ing and uploading all the fancels I've 
painted, as well as all the ones I 
bought/commissioned from other artists. 

I separated out the fancel pages at my gallery, 
so there's two pages worth. There's big scans 
(and shoot, I even made thumbnails for once!) and 
long commentaries. Go see. ^_^

There are
~ 32 cels by myself on page one
~ 5 cels by others on page two

REAL cels update coming (hopefully) soon. Thanks 
for reading! Hope everyone had a wonderful 
Thanksgiving!! I'm going to go keel over now...

~ keeper :)

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