Celga's search page has links to 10 Yahoo
Japan "miscellaneous" cel categories,
labeled "Miscellaneous" - "Miscellaneous 9".
Some important series are buried in these
miscellaneous cel categories, so I'd like to be
able to use these categories to search
intelligently. Unforunately, I can't see the
rhyme or reason governing what cels are in what
categories, and there are many scores of pages to
look at -- way to many to peruse regularly with a
56K dialup line.
I tried using translation software to decode the
Yahoo Japan description of these miscellaneous
categories, and came up with something like
this: ‚ line, Line, Line, It is line, Line,
Line, ‚Ü line, And line, And others line, ‚í
line. Nothing I can make heads or tails of.
Does anyone know the secret key to what series or
genre of cels are in the 10 miscellaneous Yahoo
Japan cel categories that Celgs has links to?