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Re: Great film! (Tue Dec 3 09:38:29 2002 )
ghosty [View profile ]

I'd drive for it... I'm that obsessed with 
anime!  O_o  (As if I have a car...)  I have to 
agree with Blue though, the subtitled version is 
a cut above the dubbed.  (The dubbed version was 
also more explanitory... maybe they dumbed it 
down for the Americans, I mean kids).  :P

Ja ne,
(American) Ghosty  
(...but it might be better to say I'm a US 
citizen, instead of claiming the identity of the 
entire continent in the name of ethnocentrism!  
But hey, I'm off the topic here.  Sheesh, I was 
just writing that the subtitled version is 
better, and look what happened!  And what was 
that about explanitory...)   ^__^

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