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Looking for Inuyasha Shippo cel...cute story of why I'm looking for it ^_^ (Tue Dec 10 02:18:17 2002 )
CCL, nli [View profile ]


Hey everyone, as stated above, I'm looking for a 
decent cel of Shippo from Inuyasha. My reason is 
b/c my really sweet 12 yr old brother went out of 
his way and broke to buy me a cel for Christmas 
from one of my favorite series- Ranma (the scene 
even has Shampoo in it!!). =)..It's weird..I'm 18 
and he's only 12...he spoils me, rather then the 
other way around ^^;; So since his favorite 
character is Shippo from Inuyasha, I was 
wondering if anyone had any for sale or know of 
somewhere where I can find one. Any help would be 
appreciated. Thanks~

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