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Off Topic: Need help on a YJP translation (Mon Dec 9 01:56:19 2002 )
dakryras [View profile ]



Since I've had so much help in the past regarding
cel auction translations, I was wondering if
anyone could help me with the translation on this
YJP auction?  I'm interested in it but it is using
some strange descriptions that I just can't figure
out.  With such a large price, I'd like to figure
out what exactly I'm getting into first before
taking the plunge.  I hope no one minds that this
is an DVD Auction (It's anime though *g*):


I think I've managed to puzzle out the first part.
 Seller wishes buyer to pay the YJP commission
fee.  Mentions it can be avoided if ordering
direct from them.  It's the full DVD set (40
discs) plus special compilation plus limited
edition rack.  Standard price = etc.

It's this last "description" part that I just
can't understand.  it just turns into gobbly gook
for me.  Something about being an older thing
(meaning it's used?), sold on consignment, lap
being? lap ending?  

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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