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Finals done! SHOW ME... (Wed Dec 11 05:50:10 2002 )
Rekka (nli) [View profile ]

Ahhhh, I feel so much better now that this 
horrible semester is over with!  I have been just 
the worst student I could be this semester...my 
effort level has oddly been far below what it 
would normally be.  I think I am seriously 
nearing the end of my career of studying, and 
hope to god I can graduate either next term or by 
the end of spring term... that is IF I get 
accepted for the JET Program... yeah, I'm praying 
for many things to happen!

Anyway, I've had 2 major essay type exams for my 
english classes; neither of them really all that 
difficult.  I think I did fine with them, even 
though I didn't really study much of anything.  
lol  But, how can you study for a novel class?  
heehee  But recently, I think I've killed my 
right hand.  My whole right arm really feels like 
it's going to fall off.  Maybe it's the beginning 
of whatever syndrome that is and I'm certainly 
not going to try and spell it...  lol  but I'm 
sure my excessivly long essays and use of my 
computer isn't doing much to help my poor, dead 
right hand.  It must be my evil mouse!

ANYWAY, yes, I am completely in a gabby mood, 
forgive me!  lol  Now that classes are done, I 
feel like getting a drink, but my sister and her 
kid is in bed and I have no car... so I'm here by 
myself with nothing to do.  lol

SOOOOO... if you read to this point, I have a 
small show me request for anybody who's 
interested.  Show me your releived cels, the ones 
that looks like the chara just let out the 
biggest, loudest sigh ever.  Silly ones are 
always a plus!!

Ok, I shall silence myself for a while...and 
maybe find some entertainmet by watching 
Letterman and Conan tonight.....  ahhhh, can't 
type any longer... 

Later all!

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