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Really upset...has the shipping been slow lately? (Fri Dec 13 23:02:42 2002 )
CCL [View profile ]


Hey everyone...i don't usually vent on the forum 
like this but i'm extremely upset....a month ago, 
a ranma cel was shipped to me from out of 
country...when i opened the package, there was 
nothing inside....i contacted the seller, and she 
said she could've sworn she put the cel inside, 
and said to get back to her on the 20th...so 
ok...that was settled..but just recently, i 
traded a very expensive cel of mine for another 
expensive cel that i wanted from ranma....and the 
person that i traded with sent the cel off 4-5 
days ago..he put delivery confirmation on it, but 
everytime i check the post office website w/ the 
confirmation, it always says the same 
thing...that the cel just got approved and check 
into the post office that it was sent from...this 
was sent via priority mail and it's supposed to 
only take 2-3 days...so i was wondering, has the 
mail been slow lately? like have you received 
priority packages a week or so later after it was 
sent? any help would be appreciated...thanks
cc =*(

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